
  • MRE editorial board meeting, Award Ceremony, Website, MRE journal issues:

Ying Huang (黄颖), Phone: +86-816-2483833, 86-15608110234 (WeChat)

  • Plenary, invited, oral speaker issues, abstract submission, agenda and program

Huiting Shen(沈慧婷), Phone: +86-816-2492945, 86-15181628565

Qiang Xu(徐强), Phone: +86-816-2494925, 86-13689673737

  • Air Ticket Reservation and accommodation reservation, shuttle service for foreign attendee.

Yanqin Gu(谷艳琴),  Phone:+86-816-2480308, 86-13980142150

Yuejiao Xiong(熊月娇), Phone:+86-816-2484139, 86-18742510845

  • Sponsorship, exhibition, poster and venue: 

Qing Tian(田青),  Phone:+86-816-2492945, 86-13541731630

Siqun Zhang(张思群),  Phone:+86-816-2492945, 86-18030949516

  • Conference registration, payment and invoice: 

Xiaona Liang(梁晓娜),  Phone:86-19558132150



Registration Submission